Mister Fix It


Small engine repair, 2 & 4 stroke

Repair of small engines, typically 1 to 25 HP.
Used in landscaping and family farms.
Generally in mowers, brush cutters, sprayers, edges, generators, tractors, water pumps, vehicles, Etc.

Can be received in whole or parts.

This example was reported as not starting, determined no compression, and was taken to shop for repair.
Determined exhaust valve seat dislodged, non field replaceable.
Replaced cylinder head and retained as many parts as was possible.

Pictures of Project

Disassembled Cylinder head seat dialoged

New head and valves. Reassembled, with out valve cover.


Me Fix It

Glen Laurel

Phone: 919 320-8204

email: info_req@me-fit-it-nc.com