Mister Fix It



Local Area Network (LAN)

Secure wired LAN
The problem was the number of connections, equipment, mix of Telephone and Internet, throught the house
Me Fix It came and looked at it
A few days later we were provided a proposal to consolidate all the equipment
A network center was designed and installed
All the equipment is visible, which allows visually checking for faults
The set up considers replacement and upgrades to components
It works perfect and we are very happy with the outcome

Pictures with brief description for project

Equipment shelf and Structured Media Center Cable Modem, Voice over IP, Switch, Router, and power strip
Mix of Telephone (Or), Internet (Bl, Gn, Gr), and CATV (Bk) Network shared resources Server and Printer


Me Fix It

Glen Laurel

Phone: 919 320-8204

email: info_req@me-fit-it-nc.com