Mister Fix It


Furniture Repaired examples

Repair furniture using minimal invasive and supplemental procedures to retain original features.
Use modern hardware to replace old hardware, dowel, and/or sister to attach members.
Generally can match finish and in some case must re-finish piece.

We looked at the piece, develop and agree to a practical solution.

These examples are provided for information only, results vary, depending on age, damage, and materials.
Dresser had left side collapsed and India ink stain on top.
Rocker base was loose as was the seat, styles, and rails. All in need of mending.
Love seat damage, legs, seats, struts, seat pads..

Pictures of Projects

1900 Era Dresser in progress 1900 Era Dresser complete
Antique Rocker base Antique Rocker chair
Love or conversation seat front Love or conversation mated 


Me Fix It

Glen Laurel

Phone: 919 320-8204

email: info_req@me-fit-it-nc.com